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Mars Anomaly Research Society

The Annals of MARS

  1. MARS - Press Release - Life discovered on Mars - English Edition - 12/28/08
  2. MARS - Press Release - Life discovered on Mars - Spanish Edition - 1/1/09
  3. MARS - Press Release - Life discovered on Mars - PR Web Newswire - 12/30/08
  4. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Letter to the National Geographic Society - 12/12/08
  5. NASA - The Photograph that contains Evidence of Life on Mars - PIA10214
  6. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Discovery of Life on Mars - 12/12/08
  7. MARS - About the Discoverer - Andrew D. Basiago - 12/28/08
  8. MARS - About the Discovery - A Dispatch from the Discoverer - 12/28/08
  9. MARS - The Discovery - Fifty Firsts in Science - 12/30/08
  10. Exopolitics.com - MARS President edited Breakthrough Work on Exopolitics - Universe Books - 2005
  11. Exopolitics.com - MARS President edited Definitive Trilogy about Fatima - Anomalist Books - 2007
  12. MARS - MARS appoints Alfred Lambremont Webre Chairman of Board - 12/28/08
  13. MARS - Quotable Quotes - Andrew D. Basiago - President - 1/1/09
  14. MARS - Quotable Quotes - Alfred Lambremont Webre - Chairman - 1/1/09
  15. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Bee Statue on Mars has the Head of a Man - 1/1/09
  16. MARS - MARS publishes Detail of NASA Photo of Humanoid on Mars - 1/2/09
  17. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - MARS accuses Universe Today of distorting Mars Evidence - 1/3/09
  18. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Beings on the Edge are a Statue - 1/5/09
  19. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - MARS President answers Questions Posed - 1/7/09
  20. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - How to Find Humanoid Being in The Rock Enclosure- 1/7/09
  21. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Humanoid Beings on Mars might be Very Small - 1/7/09
  22. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - A Letter to an Aspiring Anomalist - 1/8/09
  23. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Water found on Mars in New Photo from Spirit - 1/12/09
  24. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - City Development Patterns in the Hale Crater of Mars - 1/28/09
  25. MARS - The Discoverers - Milestones in the Discovery of Life on Mars - 2/12/09
  26. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Three New Animals found on Mars in Second Photo from Spirit- 3/12/09
  27. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Reptoid Predation of Humans on Mars found in Two NASA Photos - 4/12/09
  28. MARS - The Discovery of Life on Mars is #1 UFO Story of 2008 - 5/11/09
  29. Examiner.com - Discovery of Life on Mars by Andrew D. Basiago chosen #1 UFO Story of 2008 - 5/11/09
  30. MARS - The Discoverer of Life on Mars defends His Discovery - 5/12/09
  31. Examiner.com - Barbara Hand Clow on The Discovery of Life on Mars - 5/22/09
  32. MARS - MARS takes Its Case to the American People - 6/14/09
  33. MARS - MARS Lo Divulga al Mundo - Hay Vida en Marte - 6/14/09
  34. Examiner.com - MARS takes Its Case for Life on Mars to the American People - 6/14/09
  35. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Humanoids killed by Serpents fill Ravine west of Home Plate - 6/25/09
  36. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - MARS publishes Evidence of Dead Humans on Mars - 6/25/09
  37. MARS - Spanish Edition of Webre's Iconic Treatise Exopolitics Published - 6/26/09
  38. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Ancient Terraforms found in the Reull Vallis of Mars - 7/20/09
  39. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Humanoid-Reptoid Images found in Terraforms in Ruell Vallis - 7/25/09
  40. Examiner.com - A "New Cydonia" of Ancient Extraterrestrial Monuments found on Mars - 8/6/09
  41. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Barking Dog Monument found at Ruell Vallis might be Dragon - 8/8/09
  42. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Faces abound at the New Cydonia - 8/9/09
  43. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Face of Birdman revealed in Orb Crater atop Barking Dog in Ruell Vallis - 8/17/09
  44. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Birdman Face in Ruell Vallis - Purple Version - 8/17/09
  45. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Birdman Face in Ruell Vallis - Blue Version - 8/17/09
  46. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Robot Statue in Ruell Vallis - 8/17/09
  47. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Demon Statue in Ruell Vallis of Mars - 8/17/09
  48. MARS - Jessica Mystic - YouTube - A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago - 8/31/09
  49. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Speckled Gremlin spotted in Mars Rover Spirit Image - 9/1/09
  50. MARS - New Discovery - Ross Curley - MARS finds Speckled Gremlin within Feet of Spirit - 9/1/09
  51. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Time Series Analysis establishes that Life exists on Mars - 9/1/09
  52. MARS - Edward Long of Information Farm praises "A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago" - 9/9/09
  53. MARS - Alfred L. Webre tells La Vanguardia Mars inhabited by Humanoids (in English) - 9/10/09
  54. MARS - Alfred L. Webre le dice a La Vanguardia Marte habitado por humanoides (en Espanol) - 9/10/09
  55. Examiner.com - Two Whistleblowers report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martians - 9/10/09
  56. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - MARS IDs Transitional Phase of ID - 9/10/09
  57. MARS - Andew D. Basiago - MARS publishes Color-Enhanced Image of Speckled Gremlin on Mars - 9/11/09
  58. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Martian is the Message - 9/11/09
  59. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Face of a Pharaoh found on a Stone on Mars - 9/12/09
  60. MARS - New Discovery - Ross Curley - The Face of a Pharaoh found on a Stone on Mars - 9/12/09
  61. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Phantom Sphinx on Mars defies Ready Classification - 9/14/09
  62. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - "Get ahead in Life. Retrieve One on the Moon!" - 9/16/09
  63. MARS - Clif High identifies Andy as Planetary Whistle Blower predicted by ALTA - 9/18/09
  64. MARS - Marvel Comics presages The Face on Mars at Cydonia - 9/19/09
  65. MARS - Andy publishes Correction of PRAVDA Story about "New Cydonia" Discovery - 9/25/09
  66. MARS - Andy interviewed about Mars Findings on Russian TV - 10/2/09
  67. MARS - New Discovery - Ross Curley - Human Victims of Catastrophe - 10/23/09
  68. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Human Forms found in Glass Tubes on Mars - 10/31/09
  69. MARS - New Discovery - Ross Curley - Human Forms found in Glass Tubes - 10/31/09
  70. Examiner.com - Andy is predicted Planetary-Level Whistle Blower for Mars Life and Time Travel - 11/9/09
  71. MARS - Andy is predicted Planetary-Level Whistle Blower for Mars Life and Time Travel - 11/9/09
  72. MARS - Letter to National Security Agency from Emily Cragg - 12/2/09
  73. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - If I Could talk to the Plesiosaurs - 12/12/09
  74. MARS - Leading Mars Anomalists Andrew D. Basiago and Emily Cragg Chat on Facebook - 1/10/10
  75. MARS - Basiago makes "Startling Discovery" of Striding Gremlin near Martian "Trees" - 1/17/10
  76. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Striding Gremlin near "Trees" on Mars - 1/17/10
  77. MARS - Donald Heller - NASA Astronaut wrote of Ancient Artifacts on Mars - 1/20/10
  78. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Hoagland-van Flandern Fallacy - 1/31/10
  79. MARS - Andy communicates with Fellow Mars Experiencer Michael Relfe - 2/12/10
  80. MARS - Examiner - Laura Eisenhower outs Secret Mars Colony Project - 2/12/10
  81. MARS - Andy briefs Whitley on Structures seen by Opportunity - 2/17/10
  82. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - A Face discovered on Saturn's Moon Enceladus - 2/17/10
  83. MARS - LA Times reinforces Hoagland-van Flandern Fallacy - 2/21/10
  84. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Seven Sins of Data Distortion - 2/26/10
  85. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Sun publishes Easton-Cooper Images of Gorillas on Mars - 3/3/10
  86. MARS - Hoagland affirms Belief that No Evidence Exists that Mars is Inhabited - 3/8/10
  87. MARS - Hoagland - Statement affirming the Hoagland-Van Flandern Postulate - 3/8/10
  88. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Thousand Faces on Mars - 3/21/10
  89. MARS - New Discovery - Emily Cragg - Mars has an Atmosphere - 3/30/10
  90. MARS - Andy is interviewed by Budyardjo Kindness about Two Trips to Mars - 3/31/10
  91. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Quantum Radio Device found on NASA's Spirit - 4/13/10
  92. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Humanoids on Mars' Surface may be Outcasts of Underground- 4/20/10
  93. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Martian Terraforms celebrate Animal Life - 4/22/10
  94. MARS - Jon Kelly finds Marsgate Reversal in Obama Space Speech - 4/25/10
  95. MARS - New Discovery - Emily Cragg - The Moon in Color - 5/5/10
  96. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Martian Animals show Sessile Tendencies - 5/9/10
  97. MARS - Mars Whistle Blower Laura Eisenhower on Late Night in the Midlands - 5/15/10
  98. MARS - Reptoid Presence on Mars may link to Draco Conspiracy in the Galaxy - 5/17/10
  99. MARS - Andrew R. Stec of Mars Revealed publishes Image of Earthling on Mars - 5/23/10
  100. MARS - New Discovery - John Larsen - Lizard emerging from Beneath Rock - 5/28/10
  101. MARS - Andy writes Poem to His Supporters - 5/29/10
  102. MARS - Bibiana Bryson - Swastika found in NASA Image of the Moon - 5/29/10
  103. MARS - Two Humanoid Beings discovered in Tire Tracks of Opportunity - 5/30/10
  104. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - Trackenstein - 5/29/10
  105. MARS - MARS President names Humanoid seen in Tire Tracks "Trackenstein" - 5/31/10
  106. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - PIA13147 - A Poem in a New Age of Discovery - 6/1/10
  107. MARS - David Soltanoff - Humanoids in PIA13147 may be Human-Shaped Animals - 6/2/10
  108. MARS - Andrew R. Stec notes Rapacious Competition on Mars - 6/3/10
  109. MARS - Andrew R. Stec finds Centipedal Creature on Mars - 6/8/10
  110. MARS - Futurist and Time Traveler question Truth Embargo of Mars Life - 6/10/10
  111. MARS - New Discovery - Paul Goodwin - The Crocodile on the Cliff Top - 6/12/10
  112. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Water on Mars corroborates Human Visitation - 6/12/10
  113. MARS - Andrew R. Stec dedicates Polish Stamp to Mars Comrade - in English - 6/13/10
  114. MARS - Andrew R. Stec dedicates Polish Stamp to Mars Comrade - in Polish - 6/13/10
  115. MARS - Andy reaches out to Mars Anomalists Haas and Saunders - 6/14/10
  116. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Mars shows Evidence of Ancient Catastrophe - 6/15/10
  117. MARS - New Discovery - Paul Goodwin - The Humanoid and the Deer - 6/15/10
  118. MARS - New Discovery - Ross Curley - Faces of Dogs and Cat - Mr. Crusty - 6/16/10
  119. MARS - Paul Goodwin confirms Andy's Account of Blue Skies seen on Mars - 6/21/10
  120. MARS - New Discovery - Paul Goodwin - Humanoid near Victoria and Endeavour Craters - 6/21/10
  121. MARS - New Discovery - Lewis M. Rhinehart - The Minotaur - 6/27/10
  122. MARS - New Discovery - Pat Bullock Williams - The Lizard of the Loire Valles - 6/28/10
  123. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Second Life Forms seen in Tire Tracks of Opportunity - 7/4/10
  124. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Ancient Egyptian Scorpion-Woman Serket - 7/7/10
  125. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Colors of Mars - 7/15/10
  126. MARS - MARS' President reveals Mars Findings to Jaime Maussan of Mexican TV - 9/16/10
  127. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - The Ancient Egypt - Ancient Mars Connection - 10/10/10
  128. MARS - Australian Photographer finds Skull in NASA Rover Spirit Photo - 11/5/10
  129. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Skulls on Mars are Probably Statues - 11/5/10
  130. MARS - Andy calls on Richard C. Hoagland to embrace Truth and Reconciliation - 11/11/10
  131. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - Mars has a Breathable Atmosphere - 12/3/10
  132. MARS - Lewis M. Rhinehart - Why They sent Andy to Mars - 1/1/11
  133. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - The Beetle Lady - 1/11/11
  134. MARS - Andrew D. Basiago - So Red a Planet, Too Red a Planet - 1/11/11
  135. MARS - New Discovery - Andrew D. Basiago - The Monkey and the Monk - 2/3/11
  136. MARS - Lewis M. Rhinehart - Strangers in a Strange and Wonderful Habitat - 4/4/11
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