Alfred Lambremont Webre

The Chairman of the Board of Advisors of MARS is the leading exopolitical theorist and activist Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D., M.Ed.
Alfred is an author, lawyer, futurist, peace advocate, environmental activist, space activist, and public affairs radio talk show host in Vancouver, British Columbia.
He is considered to be the founding father of the field of Exopolitics as a social science discipline.
His book Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe (Universe Books, 2005) was the evolution of his work at the Stanford Research Institute, where he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House in 1977.
Exopolitics uses as a case study human contact with an advanced civilization on Mars.
A Fulbright Scholar, Alfred graduated from Yale University, Yale Law School, and the University of Texas Counseling program. He taught economics at Yale and Civil Liberties at the University of Texas.
He was General Counsel to New York City's EPA and an environmental consultant to the Ford Foundation.
He was a delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference and also an NGO representative at the United Nations.
He produced and hosted the first live radio broadcast between the US and the then-Soviet Union, "The Instant of Cooperation," carried live by NPR satellite radio and Gosteleradio in 1987.
Today, Alfred promotes the vision of banning space-based weapons and transforming the permanent war economy into a sustainable, peaceful, cooperative Space Age society.
Alfred has worked for years to prevent the militarization of space. He was a co-architect with others of both the Space Preservation Act and the Space Preservation Treaty sponsored in the US Congress. His work in space peace advocacy can be found on the World Wide Web at
He is the host of EXOPOLITICS RADIO, a magazine-format public affairs talk show that explores the evidence for intelligent civilizations in the Universe and ponders their impact on human society.
Asked to remark on his role as the senior advisor to the non-profit corporation that will spearhead the international effort to research life on Mars and craft public international law related to its discovery, Alfred stated:
"A Star Dreams approach to Mars embraces the ideals of caring about life, curiosity, exploration, trust, cooperation, and a desire to move towards a more spiritual future."